Our application to landmark the theater will go before the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) on Feb. 1st. Please come to show your support (or send an email to the LPC; see below).

What: LPC hearing on landmark application, which can be read here.
When: Feb. 1 at 6:30 pm.
Where: North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. at MLK.

If you can’t come, please write a short email by Feb. 1 to the LPC at lpc@berkeleyca.gov. Please call on the commission to landmark the ENTIRE exterior of the building. For more talking points, read our History and FAQ pages.

Thank you!

How you can help

Raise awareness and increase public pressure by taking the following actions:

1. Sign our petition

Please join Save the UA Berkeley in calling on city leaders to not make a mistake they would regret and preserve this theater in its entirety! Sign the petition now

2. Contact City Officials and Developer

Whom to email, in order of priority:

Subject line: 2274 Shattuck Ave. development application

Key Points to Make

      • The UA Berkeley, at 2274 Shattuck Ave., must not be destroyed for an apartment high-rise; and
      • The theater is an architectural and civic treasure that must be preserved in its entirety for future generations.
      • If possible, send to all government entities plus developer.
      • It can be short and simple. Email or snail mail works.
      • You don’t need to be a Berkeley resident but if you are, please make that clear.
      • Check out the FAQ and History pages for help fleshing out letters.
      • Be forceful but civil.

3. Join the email list

You’ll receive periodic email telling you what is going on and suggesting ways you can help. Join us now

4. Share on Social Media

Please talk about the issue with friends and neighbors and on social media, including Nextdoor if you live in the East Bay. Feel free to tag city leaders in your online posts but keep it civil.

5. Attend public meetings

While the development project won’t be on the LPC agenda for several more months, our group is attending the meetings to increase awareness and public pressure. Please join us to speak during the public comments period or just show your support. LPC meetings are held the first Thurs. of every month at 7pm at the North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. (at MLK).